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Air Displacement Function of Big Fan Industrial in Workshop

yellow seperator

With industrial reform and environmental protection, people's requirements for the working environment in the workshop are gradually improved, especially the air quality and temperature in the workshop, directly affecting the physical and mental health and work efficiency of indoor personnel.

The main purpose of workshop ventilation is to change the air temperature and improve the air quality through the circulation of indoor and outdoor airflow, and maintain a certain temperature and cleanliness in the human activity area, which is not only related to the ventilation volume, but also to a large extent related to the indoor airflow pattern. In recent years, foreign scholars have done a lot of research on ventilation evaluation methods and defined ventilation efficiency more scientifically. The ventilation index can be divided into two aspects: one is the ventilation capacity, and the other is the pollutant removal capacity of the system. The ventilation of big fan industrial is to blow out the indoor air through the air outlet, doors, and windows and generate negative pressure to make the fresh air directly enter the working area and form a layer of cool fresh air diffusion on the floor.

The ventilation of a big fan industrial is to form a circulating airflow in the room and exchange with the outdoor air circulation and can blow away the moisture, accelerate the evaporation of water vapor, and avoid the blowing feeling caused by the low air supply temperature caused by the cooling and dehumidification method. In summer, the hot air is humid, especially the outdoor temperature in the south is high, forming a sultry environment. In this case, the moisture load carried by the unorganized airflow penetrating from doors and windows is large, which increases the task of ventilation and dehumidification.

For large-scale factory buildings, the demand for fresh air is also greatly increased. Suppose the centralized air supply of traditional equipment is adopted. In that case, the air supply speed or air-conditioning height may be too large, affecting the discharge of pollutants and the comfort of the working area. The big fan industrial adopts pushing the circulation airflow from the top down. The influence scope can reach more than 1500 square meters, avoiding cooling other nonpersonnel heat sources and saving energy consumption.

As a new way of workshop ventilation, big fans industrial have been paid attention to by factories at home and abroad. They have unique air distribution, can provide good ventilation and cooling, effectively remove indoor pollutants, and have obvious energy-saving effects.

Source: Gaxiaofan Press Department
Publication Date: 6/15/2020

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